Sunday, February 22, 2009

RIZZI leaves URI

Yesterday around 2p.m. I go a text from Coach Silva saying "meeting in keaney gym tonight at 7." When I first saw the text I thought "damn somebody probably got in trouble" which only meant the already hard winter workouts would only become harder. Then I called some of my homies on my team and asked them what they thought this meeting could possibly be about and i got a number of answers some people thought it was going to be about the Wide Receiver(WR) Coach because earlier in the week the old WR coach left to take a job at his Alma mater U. Penn. so a lot of people had that theory and the other theory was that we were going to get tested by the NCAA on Monday but this meeting was just a heads up. Quite frankly the whole team was bewildered as to why this team had been called to meet at 7p.m. in Keaney Gym.

Upon arrival at the gym everyone seemed to be in their normal moods. Certain people making scenes others cracking jokes, and some just sitting there like they always do. However when the Coaches walked in something was different . None were smiling they all had a serious face and that's when I said to my boy Steve "whatever they are about to say is not good" and sure enough it wasn't. The Head coach of only 14 months told us that he would no longer be our head coach. The room instantly grew cold. Peoples jaws drop. He begin to explain that he would always support us regardless of where he goes. Coach Rizzi accepted a spot as a special teams coordinator for the Miami Dolphins. He explained the professionally that move is definitely a no brainer but the only reason why the decision was hard for him is because he had to think about us, the team. Coach Rizzi stated "this is one of the hardest decision of my life." I wish Coach Darren Rizzi the best in his new endeavors. This goes to show you that on this level and the next football is more than just a game its a business.
The interim Head Coach will be Coach Pincince he was originally the offensive coordinator.

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